【Scientific information】
Research and Development Department, Sun Chlorella Corporation
Skin Quality Improving Effects of Cream Containing Hot Water Extracts of Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa)
Published in Medicine and Biology Vo.157 No.6
- Objectives
- The causes of skin aging can be roughly divided into endogenous aging and
photo-aging. Folds and spots formed on the skin are said to be attributable to
exposure to ultraviolet ray in 80% of all cases. We previously reported that
Chlorella inhibited the activity of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1), an enzyme
involved in the formation of folds during photo-aging. The present study was
conducted to evaluate the effects of cream containing hot water extracts of
Chlorella in improving the skin quality (primarily folds).
- Methods
- The skin of 12 healthy women aged 40-56 (mean: 49.6) was evaluated
before, during and after use of this cream. Each subject applied the cream
containing hot water extracts of Chlorella twice daily to the
entire face in an appropriate amount (approximately 0.5 g) each time after use of a
basic cosmetic. The test lasted for 8 weeks. Each subject was instructed to visit
the clinic at the start and 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after the start of cream application to
receive skin quality evaluation, skin sample collection at the corner of eye and a
questionnaire survey on subjective symptoms.
- Results
- (1) Visual evaluation by the physician (grade of folds at the corner of eye)
Improvement was seen 2 weeks or later after the start of the study, with the
response rate (percentage of subjects rated as slightly improved, improved or
much improved) was 93% at 8 weeks (the end of the study).
- (2) Skin quality
Relative moisture content in the horny layer significantly increased at 2
weeks from the start of the study. Relative skin elasticity increased significantly at 8
weeks from the start of the study. Relative percutaneous moisture evaporation
tended to decrease in Week 4 and afterwards, although this tendency was not
significant (Fig. 1).
- (3) Skin replica analysis
Relative maximum width of folds decreased significantly at 8 weeks from the
start of the study. Fig. 2 shows a case of marked improvement.
- (4) Questionnaire survey on subjective symptoms
A questionnaire survey involving 17 items about skin condition was carried
out. Many items showed subjective improvement in Week 2 through Week 8, with
the improvement of 9 items being statistically significant in Week 8.
- These results suggest that the cream containing hot water extracts of
Chlorella improves the skin quality primarily through moisturizing effects soon after
the start of application (Week 2) and exerts barrier function-improving and anti-fold
effects thereafter.

N-12, Bar: Standard Error
●: Relative horny moisture content (%)
▲: Relative skin elasticity (%)
■: Relative percutaneous moisture evaporation (%)
&: Relative value (%) = [(each measured value) / (value measured at the
start)] x 100 (%)
*: Significant vs the start of application (p<0.05, Wilcoxon signed rank
sum test)
**: Significant vs the start of application (p<0.01, Wilcoxon signed rank
sum test)
¥: Significant vs Week 6 of application (p<0.05, Wilcoxon signed rank
sum test)

- Journal:
- Medicine and Biology Vol.157 No.6 (2013) 1251-1262
- Title:
- Skin Quality Improving Effects of Cream Containing Hot Water Extracts of Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa)
- Authors:
- Yukari Arakawa1), Masaki Fujishima1), Tohru Mizoguchi1), Madoka Kato2), Motoko Matsuzaka2), Osamu Nemoto3)
- Affiliation:
- 1) Sun Chlorella Corporation, 2) Examu Inc., 3) Kojinkai Sapporo Skin Clinic

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