【Scientific information】
Research and Development Department, Sun Chlorella Corporation
Acanthopanax senticosus Harms extract causes G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and autophagy via inhibition of Rubicon in human liver cancer cells
- Research objective
- Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr
. et Maxim) Harms (ASH), also known as Siberian
ginseng or eleuthero , is a hardy shrub native to China, Korea, Russia and the northern
region of Japan. ASH is used for the treatment of several diseases such as heart disease,
hypertension, rheumatoid arthri tis, allergies, chronic bronchitis, diabetes and cancer. In
the pres ent study, the inhibitory effect of the root extract of ASH (ASHE) on HuH ‑ 7 and
HepG2 liver cancer cells was examined. ASHE suppressed liver cancer cell proliferation
by inducing cell cycl e arrest at the G0/G1 phase, as well as apoptosis, as indicated by t he
increased number of Annexin V and 7 ‑ AAD ‑ positive cells. Furthermore, the expression
of LC3 ‑ II, an autophagy marker, in these cells also increased post treatment with ASHE.
LC3 ‑ II induct ion was further enhanced by co ‑ treatment with chloroquine. Fluoresce nce
and transmission electron micrographs of ASHE ‑ treated liver cancer cells showed the
presence of an increased number of autophagic vesicles. A decreased protein expression
level of run domain Beclin ‑ 1 ‑ interacting and cysteine ‑ rich domain ‑ containing, an
autophagy inhibitor, with no change in RUBCN mRNA expression was observed,
indicating activation of the autophagosome ‑ lysosome fusion step of autophagy. In
conclusion, ASHE exerts cytostat ic activity on liver cancer cells via both apoptosis and
autophagy, and may serve as a potential therapeutic agent for management of liver
cancer and autophagy ‑ related diseases.
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