List of Research Reports(Agaricus) | Sun Chlorella Lab

The Research and Development Department at Sun Chlorella Corp. reports detail of analysis and studies for health food, and supplements.

List of reports

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  • 04/06/2016
    An investigation of the mechanism of a (16)-β-D-glucan protein complex purified from the fruiting bodies of Agaricus blazei Murill (Himematsutake) to inhibit the growth of lung tumors and angiogenesis in the tumors
  • 01/20/2012
    Anti-Tumor Activity Expressed through Immunopotentiation by a Mixture of Agaricus blazei Murrill and Chlorella Extracts
  • 09/17/2009
    Clinical Studies of the Effects of Agaricus blazei Murrill(Iwade Strain 101) on Cancer Patients
  • 12/19/2008
    Combination of C.G.F. and Agaricus Blazei Reduces Adverse Effects of Anticancer Drugs
  • 08/21/2006
    Bellini M. F.:In vitro Matabolism effect on Genotoxicity and Antigenotoxicity of Agaricus blazei organics and aqueous extracts by the Comet Assay.,Cytologia,71(3),205-211,2006
  • 05/21/2006
    HSU Y.:Protective effect of different region of Agaricus blazei Murrill in CCL4-induced hepatotoxicity.,Experimental Animals,855(3),S176,2006
  • 04/21/2006
    Tang M.:Effect of Agaricus blazei Murrill in CCL4-induced hepatotoxicity.,Experimental Animals,855(3),S113,2006
  • 08/20/2005
    Kawamura M.:Antitumor effects of hemicellulase-treated Agaricus blazei on the maturation of murine bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells.,Immunology,114(3),397-409,2005
  • 04/21/2005
    Kuroiwa Y.:Lack of subchronic toxicity of an aquaous extact of Agaricus blazei Murill in F344 rats.,Food and chemical Toxicology,43、1047-1053,2005
  • 05/20/2004
    AHN W. S.:Natural killer cell activity and quality of life were improved by consumption of a mushroom extract, Agaricus blazei Murill Kyowa, in gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.,Int. J. Gynecol Cancer,14,589-594,2004
  • 04/21/2004
    Guterrez Z. R.:Variaton of the antimutagenicity effects of water extracts of Agaricus blazei in vitro.,Toxicology in Vitro,18,301-309,2004
  • 03/20/2004
    Kimura Y.:Isolation of an anti-angiogenic substance from Agaricus blazei Murill : Its antitumor and antimetastatic actions.,Cancer Sci.,95(9),758-764,2004
  • 01/20/2004
    Takimoto H.:Potentiation of cytotoxic activity in naive and tumor-bearing mice by oral administration of hot-water extracts from Agaricus brazei fruiting bodies.Biol. Parm. Bull.,21(3),404-406,2004
  • 03/21/2003
    Luiz R. C.:Mechanism of anticlastogenicity of Agaricus blazei Murill mushroom organic extracts in wild type CHO and repair deficient cells by chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange assays.,Mutation Research,528,75-79,2003
  • 03/21/2003
    Tjakko S.:Potential Toxic Constituents of Agaricus Brasiliensis,as Compared to Other Cultivated and Wild-Growing Edible Mushrooms.,Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau,99(12),475-481,2003
  • 03/20/2002
    Shimizu S.:Activation of the alternative complement pathway by Agaricus blazei Murill.,Phytomedicine,9,536-545,2002
  • 02/20/2002
    Miyamoto K.:Effect of a hot water extract of Agaricus blazei fruiting bodies (CJ-01) on the intercellular cytokines level in a patient with bronchitis.,Journal of Traditional Medicines,19(4),142-147,2002
  • 04/21/2001
    Delmanto R. D.:Antimutagenic effect of Agaricus blazei Murrill mushroom on the genotoxicity induced by cyclophosphamide.,Mutation Research,496,15-21,2001
  • 02/21/2001
    Menoli RCRN:Antimutagenic effects of the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murrill extracts on V79 cells.,Mutation Research,496,5-13,2001
  • 01/20/2001
    Sorimachi K.:Secretion of TNF-α, IL-8 and Nitric Oxide by Macrophages Activated with Agaricus blazei Murill Fractions in Vitro.,Cell Structure and Function,26(2),103-108,2001
  • 01/20/1999
    Mizuno M.:Antitumor polysaccharide from the mycelium of liquid-cultured Agaricus blazei Mill.,Biochemistry and molecularbiology International,47(4),707-714,1999
  • 08/20/1998
    Fujimiya Y.:Selective tumoricidal effect of soluble proteoglucan extracted from the basidiomycete, Agaricus blazei Murill, mediated via natural killer cell activation and apoptosis.,Cancer Immunol Immunother,46,147-159,1998
  • 01/20/1998
    Mizuno M.:Polysaccharides from Agaricus blazei stimulate lymphocyte T-cell subsets in mice.,Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.,62(3),434-437,1998
  • 01/20/1997
    Ito H.:Antitumor Effects of a New Polysaccharide-Protein Complex (ATOM) Prepared from Agaricus blazei (Iwade Strain 101)”Himematsutake”and its Mechanisms in Tumor-Bearing Mice.,Anticancer Research,17,277-284,1997
  • 01/20/1994
    Itoh H.:Inhibitory Action of a (1<-6)-β-D-Glucan-Protein Complex (FIII-2-b) Isolated from Agaricus blazei Murill(”Himematsutake”) on Meth A Fibrosarcoma-Bearing Mice and Its Antitumor Mechanism.,Jpn. J. Pharmacol.,66,265-271,1994
  • 01/20/1990
    Kawagishi H,Kanao T:Formolysis of a potent antitumor(1<-6)-β-D-glucan-protein complex from Agaricus blazei fruiting bodies and antitumor activity of the resulting products.,Carbohydr.Polym.,12,393-403,1990
  • 01/20/1989
    Kawagushi H,Inagaki R,et al:Fraction and antitumor activity of the water-in-soluble residue of Agaricus blazei fruiting bodies.,Carbohydr.Res.,186(2),267-273,1989
  • 01/20/1983
    Shimura K.:Screeening of Host-mediated Antitumor Polysaccharides by Crossed Immunoelectrophoresis Using Fresh Human Serum.,Jpn. J. Pharmacol.,33,403-408,1983
  • 01/20/1982
    Ito H.:Antitumor effect of palmitoleic acid on Ehrlich ascites tumor.,Cancer Letters,17,197-203,1982