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11/29/2024 Combined Aerobic Exercise Training and Chlorella Intake Reduces Arterial Stiffness through Enhanced Arterial Nitric Oxide Production in Obese Rats
The study was published in the academic journal Nutrients. PDF 1450KB
06/11/2024 Chlorella is rich in highly polar sphingolipids, which suppress colonic inflammation
This research has been published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology PDF 117KB
06/11/2024 Four weeks of chlorella intake increased VO2max in young people who regularly undergo endurance training
We made this presentation at the 5th Academic Meeting of the Society for Chlorella and Functional Plants Research PDF 116KB
05/15/2024 Efficacy of Combined Use of Chlorella and Ascidian-derived Plasmalogen for Prevention of Dementia
Published in the academic journal "Molecules Vol. 29" (Impact factor 4.6) PDF 285KB
08/04/2021 Water extract of chlorella and Phenethylamine a functional ingredient in Chlorella significantly mitigated high fat diet (HFD) induced liver damage.
Published in the journal of npj science of food PDF 271KB
07/08/2021 Chlorella intake attenuates reduced salivary antioxidant capacity in female kendo training camp participants
This study was published in the “Japanese Journal of Exercise and Sports Physiology”. PDF 534KB
07/08/2021 The Nutritional Efficacy of Chlorella Supplementation Designs on the Individual Gut Environment: A Randomised Control Study
Published in the “Frontiers in Nutrition” journal (2020 Impact Factor 6.576) PDF 224KB
04/27/2021 (Review from Nutrients) 2019 Impact factor:4.546
Potential of Chlorella as a
Dietary Supplement to Promote Human Health PDF 47KB
04/13/2020 Search and identification of active ingredients in Chlorella hot water extract Monoaminese extend the Lifespan of Sod1 Mutant Drosophila melanogaster Inclu sive in Journal of Food Bioactives PDF 132KB
12/05/2019 Preventive effects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa administered orally on carbon tetrachloride-induced experimental liver injury in rats PDF 258KB
12/05/2019 Chlorella intake and folate metabolism
-Findings from a 6-month, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial in healthy males- PDF 314KB
02/03/2019 A case report of the nutritional status induced by Chlorella ingestion in a patient after gastric resection PDF 214KB
01/01/2019 Potentials of Chlorella as Vegetable Food Presentation in the 18th Meeting of the Japanese Society for Vegetarian Research PDF 209KB
07/31/2018 Results from an animal study investigating the effect of Chlorella pyrenoidosa on influenza virus infected mice have been published in a scientific journal. PDF 70KB
10/25/2017 Is chlorella food beneficial for elderly people?
A study of the benefits of carotenoids, folate, and homocysteine PDF 203KB
10/13/2017 Effects of Combination of chlorella intake and Short-term high-Intensity Intermittent Excersise on Anaerobic and Aerobic Excersise Capacity PDF 168KB
10/13/2017 Long-Term Chlorella Intake Decrease Degree of Arterioscelerosis intype 2 Diabetics Rats by Increasing Production of Endothelium2 Diabetic Rats PDF 104KB
10/13/2017 Combination Effect of Chlorella Intake and Aerobic Training in Combination Effect of Chlorella Intake PDF 238KB
01/11/2017 Is Chlorella food involved with risk factors of vascular dementia- Effect on the plasma homocysteine level and the blood lutein level - PDF 212KB
01/11/2017 Effect of Chlorella supplementation on vitamin B12 and folate status of healthy human adults PDF 286KB
08/25/2016 Chronic Chlorella intake and short-term, high-intensity, interval training enhances exercise capacity and glycolytic enzyme metabolism in muscles.
Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nutrition and
Food Science PDF 167KB
04/06/2016 An increase in maximum oxygen uptake due to Chlorella ingestion PDF 161KB
04/06/2016 Protective effect of Chlorella pyrenoidosa against hepatic disorder in rats PDF 225KB
04/06/2016 Intake of Chlorella pyrenoidosa lowers serum methylmalonic acid levels in vegetarians with a suspected vitamin B12 deficiency. PDF 149KB
07/22/2015 Chronic chlorella intake and high intensity intermittent exercise enhance exercise capacity and muscular glycolytic enzyme activity in rats PDF 121KB
07/01/2015 Relationship of folic acid utilization from Chlorella ingestion
with lipid metabolism PDF 244KB
06/02/2015 Study of peptidoheteroglycans prepared from Chlorella
Published in NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI Vol. 81, No. 2, pp. 267-273 (2015) PDF 120KB
10/31/2014 Evaluation Based on “Individual Person’s Characteristics” -- Chlorella Expected to Enhance Folic Acid’s Benefits! PDF 211KB
09/05/2014 Research results on the effects of Chlorella administration on cutaneous arterial sympathetic nerve activity, cutaneous arterial blood flow, and transepidermal water loss were published in a scientific journal. PDF 237KB
06/16/2014 Comprehensive nutritional supplement from Chlorella reduces decrease in saliva production with aging and obesity PDF 62KB
06/16/2014 Antiwrinkle effect of the cream containing Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) extract PDF 358KB
11/11/2013 The Antioxidant Effect of Chlorella on Erythrocyte Membrane Phospholipids PDF 65KB
10/07/2013 Effects of Chlorella on Diabetes Precursor Population: Findings from Metabolome Analysis in Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial PDF 135KB
08/07/2013 A Placebo-Controlled Study of the Influence of Chlorella-Derived General Nutritional Supplements on Maximum Oxygen Uptake PDF 100KB
07/25/2013 Skin Quality Improving Effects of Cream Containing Hot Water Extracts of Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) PDF 303KB
06/21/2013 Arterial Stiffness Improvement and Plasma NOx Level Following Intake of Chlorella-Derived General Nutritional Supplements PDF 132KB
02/26/2013 A Study on Efficacy of Chlorella on Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection has been published in an academic journal PDF 18KB
10/31/2012 Effects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Chlorella) in Preventing Radiation-Induced Hematopoietic Disorders PDF 107KB
06/14/2011 Chlorella ingestion attenuates immunological depression during a Kendo training camp PDF 112KB
03/29/2011 The effect of Chlorella on the alcohol metabolism of healthy volunteers PDF 163KB
01/18/2011 Effects of Chlorella supplement on intestinal environment, such as improvement of constipation PDF 122KB
07/06/2010 A Study on Anti-Arteriosclerotic Effects of Chlorella in Man PDF 77KB
07/06/2010 Combination of Chlorella Consumption and Light Exercise Prevents Deterioration of Physical Strength and Immunity Due to Aging PDF 126KB
06/29/2010 Approaching the Functionality of Chlorella through Genomics & Metabolomics! PDF 102KB
04/02/2010 Chlorella supplementation reduces the risk of anemia, proteinuria and edema in pregnant women PDF 137KB
01/06/2010 Thorough Functional Evaluation of Chlorella and CGF Using Gene Expression Analysis Technology PDF 62KB
12/02/2009 Exhaustive Functional Evaluation of Chlorella or CGF Making Use of Metabolite Analysis Technology PDF 140KB
08/21/2009 Publication of the Results of the Study of the Effects of Chlorella on Metabolic Syndrome PDF 259KB
07/21/2009 Short-term Effects of Chlorella Ingestion in ICR mice PDF 156KB
06/04/2009 Rate of excretion of secretory immunoglobulin A in human is enhanced by 4-week intake of chlorella PDF 122KB
06/03/2009 Confirmation of Effects of Chlorella on Swimming Stress by Analyses of Genetic Expression PDF 130KB
05/26/2009 Suppression of aging of immune function and prevention of allergy in mice given chlorella for a prolonged period of time PDF 217KB
04/03/2009 Anti-inflammatory effects of chlorella in chronic and acute inflammation PDF 213KB
11/07/2008 Confirmation of the Safety of Raw Materials (November 2008) PDF 68KB
08/04/2008 Patents obtained from the results of Chlorella research : January 2008 PDF 261KB
08/04/2008 The effects of Chlorella on metabolic syndrome are confirmed PDF 101KB
08/04/2008 The anti-inflammatory activity of Chlorella in beagles with skin disorders PDF 406KB
08/04/2008 Activity of Chlorella in animal models of arteriosclerotic diseases PDF 45KB
08/04/2008 Confirming the Anti-Fatigue and Immunomodulating Effects of Chlorella PDF 64KB
12/01/2007 Safety studies on the CGF as an ingredient : November 2007 PDF 16KB
12/01/2007 Patents obtained from the results of Chlorella research : September 2007 PDF 77KB
07/23/2007 Chlorella: Search of pharmacological action PDF 76KB
07/23/2007 Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) supplementation decreases dioxin concentration and increases immunoglobulin-A concentration in breast milk PDF 47KB
07/23/2006 Gene expression analysis in subjects taking chlorella : Comparison between groups of subjects with high risks of lifestyle-related diseases and healthy subjects PDF 34KB
08/01/2005 Maternal-fetal distribution and transfer of dioxins in pregnant women in Japan, and attempts to reduce maternal transfer with Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) supplements PDF 103KB
07/23/2005 Suppression of glutathione S-transferase placental form-positive foci development in rat hepatocarcinogenesis by Chlorella pyrenidosa PDF 29KB
04/30/2005 Effect of Chlorella pyrenoidosa on fecal excretion and liver accumulation of polychlorinated dibenzo- p -dioxin in mice PDF 40KB
07/23/2004 Estimation of the Time for Branching into Chlorella and Land Plants and Molecular Evolution of Chlorella TPI Gene PDF 11KB
07/23/2004 Effects of Chlorella on Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Matrix Metalloproteinase, Caspase, Cytokine Release and B/T Cell Proliferation and Its Phorbol Ester Receptor Binding Potentials PDF 62KB
07/23/2002 Nutritional Supplementation with Chlorella pyrenoidosa for Mild to moderate Hypertension
07/23/2002 Chlorella Supplementation for Controlling Hypertension:A Clinical Evaluation
07/23/2001 Dietary Supplementation with Chlorella pyrenoidosa Produces Positive Results in Patients with Cancer or Suffering From Certain Common Chronic Illnesses
07/23/2001 A Review of Recent Clinical Trials of the nutritional Supplement Chlorella pyrenoidosa in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, and Ulcerative Colitis
07/23/2000 Nutritional Supplementation with Chlorella pyrenoidosa for Patients with Fibromyalgia syndrome: A Pilot Study